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Art on the GO! (Ages 10-14)

ID : 21321   
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The ultimate VEHICLE for creativity - and engineering! Modern transportation takes us over land, sea, and air in style, but who decides how those cars, trucks, trains, boats, and planes will look? Form meets function, with an emphasis on fun, in this camp geared towards the next generation of aspiring designers and engineers. A mix of hand-drafting and building along with digital visualization will be introduced to help launch the imagination of future transportation!  

Class Details

5 Session(s)
Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

St. Charles Community College

Brent Becker 



Registration Closes On
Wednesday, July 9, 2025 @ 9:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
7/14/2025 - 7/18/2025 Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM Cottleville, St. Charles Community College  Map, Room: Visual Arts Building 105 Brent Becker